H O M E & S A N C T U A R Y



Its a fast paced world we live in, and the more you like it, the faster it spins. We rush and we rumble and we scoot and we scramble, bobbing and blazing from cab to cab, plane to plane, city to city, striving with all our might to build a life worth living. It seems like everything we touch is built to make us go even faster. But. That is not universally true. There’re some places purposefully built to lesson that pace. Places built to make us feel the tug of our jester’s souls upon our heartstrings. They are the places that make the crazily frenetic pace we maintain the rest of the time, worthwhile. And where ever you are, if you’re reading these words, then you’re in one of those places. So take a good look around, exhale, smile, consider the glorious wonder of if all, and just ENJOY.

- Marcus Pierson