And if travel is like love, it is,

in the end, mostly because

it's a heightened state of

awareness, in which we are

mindful, receptive, undimmed

by familiarity and ready to be

transformed. That is why the

best trips, like the best love

affairs, never really end

- Pico lyer

Amsterdam is one of our favorite cities in the world. The people, culture and way of life there is incredibly intriguing to me. Both of our sons coincidentally celebrated their 21st birthdays there. I first visited in 1988 where I was and am always, riveted by the experience of visiting the Anne Frank House. In 1988 it was a simple, humble but pristinely preserved place of history that leaves all visitors astounded and in awe. I returned in 2008 with Peter to find it equally preserved but magnificently developed full museum and interactive experience that leaves all visitors astounded and in awe.

A Favorite Celebration in a Favorite Place…
In 2018 we had an epic experience there with special friends and neighbors.
We were invited to celebrate a milestone birthday with our good friend who is friends with
a global superstar, who was performing there. He stopped his concert mid way to sing Happy Birthday to him.
He and his wife even joined a party I planned for our friend there. An utter thrill with super special people!
I would like to spend a lot more time, in Amsterdam…

Beloved KC

Justin Timberlake
Man of the Woods World Tour - 2018