If you're 22, physically fit

hungry to learn and be

better, I urge you to travel

as far and as widely as

possible, Sleep on floors

you have to. Find out how

other people live and eat

and cook. Learn from them

wherever you go.

Anthony Bourdain

On December 30, 2021, The Marshall grass fire, swept through Boulder Country and within twelve hours of igniting, it destroyed over 1,000 structures, mostly homes, making it the most destructive fire in Colorado history. Among the losses was my friend Collette’s newly built home. Within three months of moving in, they lost every last possession. When I connected with her, I was so relieved to find her fantastically positive attitude and winning strength could never be lost… Asking what I could do to help, she asked for photos of our First Journey together, in 1988. So, I took the following digital photos of our old school photo album, and made her a new book. (A sorry representation but we are still glad to have it.) Growing up up the street from me, we attended Elementary school, Middle school, High School and 4 years of University together - mostly by coincidence. We also swam competitively together for ten years. (She much faster than I). It was fitting then, that 17 years of school later, after graduation, she and I would go abroad together, for arguably the best, most productive part of all, of our educations. With nothing but a meager budget, a Eurailpass, curiosity and friendship for our ten-week journey, we visited ten countries. We never stayed anywhere longer than a few days, but we met wonderful and interesting people - and it opened our eyes to some of the treasures and vastness of the world. Among the highlights was visiting East Berlin just before the wall came down, and our overnight stay and amazing conversation with an elderly citizen there. My journey ended by returning to the US via Washington DC for the first time - to see my sister there - and it was and remains one of my favorite cities in the World - as I returned to it with new gratitude and appreciation.