Paris is always a good idea

- Audrey Hepburn

Most travel enthusiast friends and family I know all have a special place in their hearts for France, and we do as well.

In 2001 Peter’s parents purchased an apartment in Paris with his brother’s business partner who lived in Paris for a time. For about a dozen years, they visited for weeks at a time, several times a year. (For more on this see: Other Portfolios: Home & Sanctuary: Paris)

We had several special visits with them there including 2010, when we brought Derek to stay with them for a visit with his cousin Max. This cemented Derek’s dedication to learning French, and continued his interest in exploring and learning as much as he could about the world. For the next nine years, as he finished high school and studied for his degree in Finance, he also earned a Minor in French. In Spring 2019 he returned to France to finish his degree in International Affairs, at Sciences Po Paris.

Evan followed soon after him, studying in Madrid in 2022. Most of these beautiful images below are theirs, as marked with their initials. If you only look at one set of images, I hope that you will look at these.