Life is short and the world is wide
-Simon Raven

I am captivated by all of Scandanavia, but so far, we have only been to Sweden. It is a graceful gentle beautiful country where we need to linger longer soon. Our history with Sweden so far, stems from our love of Volvos. We tell everyone we know, about a wonderful “Overseas Delivery Program” that Volvo has offered for many years. We have been loyal customers taking advantage of this program four different times since 2008.

The idea is, that if you are willing to purchase a car at the factory in Gothenburg Sweden, and wait about 8 weeks for your car at home, you can fly to Sweden, and take possession of the car there (after an interesting tour of the factory and a beautiful Swedish lunch). Then, you can simply drive the car in Sweden any where you’d like, and ship the car from one of many ports in Europe.

This way, the car becomes a “used vehicle” and is not taxed the same as a new vehicle. So, the manufacturer saves money and is able to provide airline tickets, an overnight stay and a less expensive sticker price. It is a win win win win win for all. A European vacation on Volvo and then you get a wonderful car to drive to boot. To our minds, no downside!

Our first time, we visited gorgeous Stockholm in November - then flew to Gothenburg, onto an overnight ferry to Kiel Germany, and drove it to the port in Amsterdam. We simply pay for our inner-continent travel.

Another time in June, we took possession in Gothenburg and simply drove it up the gorgeous SW coastline toward Oslo, then flew to Paris and the Amalfi coast once our car was shipped from Gothenburg. Volvo has flown us home from any European city, which has ranged from London to Paris to Madrid.

One day, we will go and simply stay in Scandinavia, and give it the long exploration it deserves.